Thursday, May 8, 2008

Preliminary Findings

The analyses are in their preliminary stages.

The descriptive results indicate that the majority of students (59%) felt that SL was beneficial to their learning and that they (64%) were satisfied in that they felt it was a useful experience. The majority of students (53%) felt engaged and that they were required to think critically. However, the survey results indicated an unusually high number of neutral responses from the students on several measures. Some students (47%) felt that using SL was fun, but 41% were neutral about their experience. Also, some students (47%) felt that the instructor should continue to use SL, while 41% felt neutral about the continued use.

After discussion with my colleagues, the neutral responses were extraordinarily high possible indicating that the items were confusing or students cannot process their experiences in SL since it is such a new technology beyond their realm of conceptualization.

This is a small sample of the items that were administered. I will continue to analyze the items using factor analysis removing or rewriting items that factor low. Also, I will re-administer the revised survey. In addition, I will be conducting follow-up interviews with the students who completed the survey in order to develop a reliable instrument.

The instrument is one of the first (if not the first) developed to evaluate students experiences in SL. Variables included in the survey include Media Richness, Social Presence, Engagement, Online Learning Community, Satisfaction, Learning, and Course Design. I first introduced the instrument at the National Communication Association Annual Convention in Chicago, IL in November, 2007. For more information on its development, please contact me.

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